Jumat, 27 November 2009

My Launching

Hey there,,

Thanks for being the first people who visit my wonderful blog...makasih banyak ya buat input dan komen yang kalian berikan untuk memperbaiki blog gw ke depannya..

Jadi..dengan launching blog ini..haha..saya sekalian mau berikrar nihhh...saya mau serius menekuni my blog project ini..karena apa..karena saya dari dulu memang suka berkhayal,,jd akan lebih baik dong untuk segera dituangkan..daripada cuma disimpen doang..dai dulu tulisan yang saya bikin juga nggak pernah finish,,jd banyak banget tuh unfinished story di my oldie computer. Nah untuk ke depannya saya juga merencanakan untuk secepatnya mencuci diri saya dari gelimang riba..hehe maksudnya keluar dari bisnis yang menurut agama saya tidak halal..(kl sekarang nikmatin dl lah,,pura2 bego hehe)..jd in my retirement day i wanna be an active writer dlm bentuk apapun. Jadi sekarang saya mau terus berlatih menulis melalui blog ini. Nah,,mohon bantuannya untuk mengingatkan saya kalau di kemudian hari saya nggak nulis blog selama lebih dari 2 minggu..

Oh ya..sebenernya tujuan dari posting ini selain deklarasi janji,,juga saya pingin banget mengucapkan terima kasih sama kalian semua yang udah membantu selama masa percobaan blog ini...Makasih banget ya buat:

1. Ayangku...yang sudah memberikan komentar positif tentang hal-hal apa saja yang boleh ditulis di ruang publik. Kalau nggak,,postingan sampah ttg si cewe yg lg heboh diobrolin di kantor saya bisa tersebar luas dan akan mnimbulkan gosip..(hehe malah diomongin..).

2. Rizki Anugrah Putra..yang namanya nggak saya masukin di foto 'thats what friends are for' padahal dia yang motoin kita smua di poke pake i phone nya dia..huehue..how sophisticated you are dear..oh ya..dia juga yang pernah bilang bahwa my writing in bahasa lebih luwes dan lebih enak dibaca daripada in english..hoho..trims..

3. Elizar Arsan...yang sudah mau diskus malam-malam ttg how to beautify the blog sampe nggak tidur penasaran karena pensaran ngerapihin templatenya..huehue..

4.Windu Nurfebtiaman..yang sudah termasuk salah satu dari sedikit orang yang mau membaca hasil karya saya yang tidak ada apa-apanya ini. Makasih buat masukannya yang mengingatkan ke saya bahwa tulisan di blog itu adalah for public expose bukan chatting..hehe cos tulisan blog saya banyak yang disingkat gitu kaya bahasa chatting...

5. Asyraf Thirafi Ramdani...yang memberikan komen di blog saya selain ayang...nggak nyangka juga loh ternyata komen nya berbobot dan mengharukan..makasih ya repiii..

Makasih buat semuanya yang sudah pernah mengintip my Lovineachday..semoga bisa berguna di kemudian hari...

Happy writing to me...and happy reading to you all....

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Senin, 23 November 2009



Loan to deposit ratio??
Bukanlahhh..mnurut lo,,gw bakalan nulis ttg rasio itu??Well actually apa yg bakal gw tulis sdikit berhubungan sih dg Loan to Deposit Ratio...krn rasio ini digunakan untuk mngetahui brp sih perbandingan antara kredit yg diberikan terhadap dana masuk dr nasabah..biasanya..bankir2 pasti ngerti bgt nih rasio2 'penting' ini..trus hubungannya adalah..saat lo jd bankir,,trutama bumn yg cabangnya ada dmn2 tuh..hehe..LDR will be the hot issue to be discussed!!

Yes it is Long Distance Relationship!!alias pacaran jarak jauh..Hehe..maksa y??gak juga sih...kontrak kerja mengatakan:willingness to be located to any place all over Indonesia...Hmmm...mnurut lo saat ttd kontrak what can we do sih??ngilangin pasal itu??Yang ada mereka bakalan bilang..."yaudah kl ga bersedia,,cr kerja aja d tempat lain.."

Sebenernya LDR dan si willingness ini g cm sdg dihadapi oleh para bankir2 single maupun double or even triple (Maksudnya married with children)..tp almost employee trutama pegawai bumn, pns, oil and mining company..this willingness is a must to stay survive in the company..

Dan inilah yg sedang teman2 gw d kelas ODP gw takutin..Penempatan di luar Jakarta!!yg artinya jauh dari kluarga,,jauh dari pacar,, blom lg kl ditempatinnya di daerah yg harus nyebutnya dua kali...spt Fak Fak, Toli Toli, Bau Bau...Mmmm walopun mgkin sbnrnya ketakutan ini cm ada di diri gw sih,,scara sbagian bsar teman gw kebanyakan pendatang dari jawa (yg mnyebabkan kelas gw tak ubahnya kaya stasiun solo balapan)..so..kayaknya mreka dah biasa2 aja sm yg namanya LDR ini..baik LD dg pacar maupun keluarga....

Kalo ditanya ke gw..sbg seorang bankir..."pratiwi,,kamu bersedia ditempatin di seluruh indonesia?"
"mmm boleh jawab nggak,nggak pak?"
"ya nggaklah..kl sbg bankir kmu hrus mau ditempatin dimana saja.."(yehh..g usah nany dong kl gitu..)
"mmmm...slama saya blom nikah..gpp deh pak"
"oke..pratiwi bersedia ditempatkan dmn saja. Saya catat ya...by the way memang kamu kapan rencana merried?"tny si bapak sok asik..
"Mmmm..sebelum SK penempatan saya keluar pak.."
Hehehe...ya,,gw bakal jawab gitu kira2 kl nanti ada interview pra penempatan...ato kl saat itu situasi gw lg melo gw bakal jawab kayak gini.."sebenernya saya mau banget pak,,apalg saya jg jarang keluar kota..tp masalahnya..mama saya sudah tua..adik saya masih kecil2 dua biji..kasian mama saya ga ada yg bantuin..kluarga saya jg g bs kl g ada saya d rumah,,ga ada yg nyetirin kl mau pergi2,,ga ada yg bayarin speedy dan blanja bulanan,,ga ada yg nyuci kamar mandi..saya nggak tega pak..."

Hemmmm...ya emang gw g bs banget yg namanya jauh dr rumah..Sebulan lalu gw training d bandung selama sebulan. awalnya gw excited bgt buat kluar rumah..d bdg pula,,training skalian jalan2. Gw nginep d rumah adiknya nenek gw.. Jadi kayak berasa liburan aja,,makan pagi dan malam slalu siap sedia dg menu yg beragam.. Kl bosen lgsung ngesot k BIP ato ke dago..gw dah bener2 ngerencanain mcm2 jalan2 d bdg...tp ternyata br 2mgu disana gw dah homesick..gw hmpir nangis tiap mlm gr2 kangen rumah..dan memang gw tiap wiken plg k jkt trus..hehehe..rencana wiken d bdg brantakan smua gr2 homesick.

Mmm satu hal lg yg terberat dg penempatan d luar jkt adalah gw harus meninggalkan ayang gw..kita emang g bs banget kl jauh..gw kebayang kl dua alasan di atas g bs membuat gw tetep ditempatin d jkt,,gw akan blg gini..."pak..saya mau nikah bulan depan pak,,saya nggak bs jauh sm calon suami saya pak..persiapan kita blom stengahnya pak..saya takut pak...saya nggak mau ninggalin calon suami saya,,kasian dia ngurusin nikahan sendirian.."hehe...

Gw sama ayang udah pacaran lbh dr 7tahun..dan kita g pernah jauh..sma brg,,kuliah deketan,,plg kerja brg terus...ga kebayang kl harus g ktmu dia lbh dari 3 hr...
Wiken kmrn aja pacar gw k bdg buat seminar,,dan gw udah kangen berattttt...pgen buru2 ktemuuu...ga mau dia jauh2..huhu..

Slain kangen byk hal lain yg bikin gw g mau menjalankan LDR, yaitu masalah komunikasi dan kepercayaan. Byk org yg blg,,kl emang lo percaya sm cowo lo,,smuanya pasti bs diatasi..Kl masalah komunikasi kan ada telepon,hp,imel,n even tiket pesawat jg skr g mahal2 amat kok...But for me...tetep aja sbuah hubungan itu br bs berjalan saat kedekatan itu ada dan dijaga..Begitu pula dg cowo gw..Sbnrnya g mnyalahkan dg kondisi long distance,,tp kl msh bs diusahakan buat slalu dekat,,knp nggak..Gw jg g berharap buat jd kepala cabang kok shg hrus pny experience di sluruh cbg..ato gw jg g berharap jd kpala divisi internasional yg mgharuskan gw nyicipin kerja abroad pake gaji dollar..Gw cm pengen hidup yg nyaman dg keluarga,pacar,dan teman2 gw ada di sekitar gw..GW ngga butuh gaji besar kok..(ayang,,kamu gajinya harus gede yaaa...)..gw cm mau ngebesarin anak gw deket sm neneknya..Gw g punya harapan ngerasain tinggal d bermacam2 kota dg segala kulinernya,,toh gw bs travelling sm kluarga gw (ayang..kita liburan ya tiap libur sekolah..)...

Well...intinya..gw g bs jauh dr orang2 yg gw sayangi..You may say that i'm a kind of person that cannot get out from comfort zone...Yes i am...i love to be loved,,i need to always stay warm with the one i love...Yesss,,thats me!!!and i will say to them..."tempatin saya di jakarta aja pak..."

Baca Kelanjutan “LDR....???” »»

Minggu, 22 November 2009

Time Machine

Have you ever heard about the time machine?? From what i know, the past ideas of this machine is to enable people travel to the past time (or even to the future). What for?? Many answer perhaps. Some just want to see how their past or may be they want to fix something in the past. If you remeber there were a trilogy called "Back to the Future" in around 1990. The movie is about a boy who travel with his heighbour-scientist's time machine.

Photobucket dora back

Doraemon also has a time machine that enable Nobita to travel to any time he liked. Just by enter to Nobita drawer, they can be anywhere they like.

I sometimes wonder what would it be when i can have my own time machine. What will i do with that?? Where i wanna be? To what time i want to travel? Hemmm...yeahh i just realize that today is already November 2009. So many things already happened in the past. Some good,,some bad. If i could go back,,there are some moment i want to see again,,i dont want to change that...just want to know for sure that moment was really ever happened in my life and just want to make the person i met in that moment know that i really appreaciate the moment i had with them.

1. Some day around 1998 (forget the month)
I was at the last grade of primary school. And i was faced the hard decision: holiday course vs travelling to Jogjakarta. Yesss of course as everyone could guess...my family and I travelled to Jogja. We went there by Argo Lawu or maybe Bromo..if im not mistaken and we stayed at...mmm...forget.. We took so many picture in Keraton, Malioboro, Prambanan, Borobudur, and many other place. Was a very nice childhood holiday...

2. June 2001
That was the dy when i first register to my high school. I was accompanied by my father at that time. I remembered that my father keep asking where, when, how many should we pay to enter this highschool. Because i used to go to private school where we should pay everything in advance before we can take the benefit. Well,,its not like that in public schoold. Okey,,i'm not talking about the tuition fee. I really remember that time because that was the momen that my father come and handle my school things (because it's my mom who usually did it..). And the in the other day, he sometimes drop and pick me up to school.. Really miss the moment..

3. Februari 2002
My father sick and had to hospitalized in RS Haji Pondok Gede. A week before the hospitalization he had a busy week to handle the Midas migration that made him stay at the hotel near the office. At the day he came back to home, he look so really pale that made my mom bring him to hospital quickly. After two days in RS Haji, his office suggested to move him to a hospital in Singapore called Gleneagles in order to make the medication process better and faster. My mom accompanied him. They took SOS ambulance to drive them to the airport. When my father was put in to the car (not sitting but laid on the mattress), i kiss his cheek and pray for him to be home soon. I remembered his hand unintentionally lifted up, but i didnt do anything because i focused on saying a word to him. But now,, i always feel sorry that i didnt take his hand and kiss his hand as i always do before went to school. A respect from a child to the parents. Because i just knew, that i dont have anymore chance to do it again...

Hemmmm it's not like now i'm in melodramatic condition so i kept remembering the moment when my father still here. Yes of course, he always still in my heart and i always pray for him. But i really want my machine time to bring to the past when all my family still exist. My father, my grandmother, my grandfather, and all the family that ever come in my life.

A childhood moment was a very very greatest moment for me. As the oldest child in family and oldest granddaughter in my mom family, i have the longest time to experience being taken care my all the family. My grandmom and grandpa was still in good health and condition at that time. We often travelled to their hometown, just the 3 of us.

School holiday also became the most awaited moment in me and my sister life. We could choose any place we like to be visited. But mostly it ended up in the place inside or near Jakarta, such as TMII, Dufan, Puncak, Bogor, Anyer, etc. Once a year we travelled to other city. I'm really glad that i ever felt that.

But now as time goes by, the age always increasing year by year, and our beloved people already gone before us. We will not be able to meet and enjoy the happy moment with them anymore. But i believe they are still here in our heart. And the memories with them cannot be erased by time. I do always pray for their happiness wherever they are and still hope whether the time machine can bring me to them or maybe just hope that i can meet them tonight,,,in my dream...

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Waiting for 25th..

One of my friends ever told me that there are 4 caste in people's career:
1. employee, such as bankir, manager, secretary, etc
2. professional, such as consultant, auditor, architec, etc
3. enterpreneur
4. investor

bni bni Photobucket

Most of us (me and my friends) are might be in caste 1 and 2. Because eventhough they are already in professional caste, but still the level may be in junior level or senior. It means that you are still an employee in professional firm. May be some of you already have your own business, but i bet that you have experience as an employee a moment a go.

And as an employee or junior professional, we perhaps have same feeling today (well probably this feeling already here in my heart since 2 weeks a go)... I do really wait for the 25th come!!!
Why??? Because its payment date!!!!! My saving account will be credited by the amount of IDR!!! My budget list which i already created a week a go will be used!!! My refrigerator and cupboard will bi filled again with new things!!! My date and appointment will be scheduled!!!


As i remember i already counting to that special day since the 5th of this month. I feel really bankrupt this month. So everyday i kept saying.."Calm down tiwi...20 more days to go..." and at the next day I also said "Okey...19 more days.."

Well,,i feel ashamed that now i become the people who always waiting for the 25th. A few years back i always plan that i afford to buy a small car in the 1st year of my employment. But until now,,exactly 1 year of my career, my saving even cant afford to buy notebook.

I dont know should i feel sad or glad to know that not only me who are in this 'waiting 25th' position. Some...oh no...most of my friends feel it too!!! And when the 25th come,,here are their schedule for the month:

25th : hang out with friends in PIM and drop by to Metro a while
27th : shop till drop in Amabassador and treat family in family resto
28th : XXI-ing
29th : monthly shop in Carefour and...hair treatment probably
3rd : hang out again in Pacific Place
5th : dating in luxury cafe
7th : hang out in Plaza Semanggi while look for some sale in Centro
10th : 21-ing...
11th: start counting the day to 25th

Hemmm... no wonder i or we were already broke before the mid of month. Too much fun, isn't it?? And hey,,have i/you/we already spare the money for the need??
Some says "Work hard play harder.." We have already work hard enough then its the time to please ourself, with our own money. Shop and hang out with friends is the great pleasure to rest our mind. Dating is the precious moment to spoiled our heart. Watching cinema is an opportunity to keep update with Hollywood. And no such things as a free lunch right. The 25th money will be spent for such things, unless our boyfriend is Ardhi Bakri or Edhi Baskoro Yuhoyono ...=p

But...dont you remember we have many things that should need to be done very soon....take master degree...take toefl test/brevet/cfa/cpa/cia....married..travelling abroad?

Is your saving enough to realize that in the coming years???

So...while counting to the next 25th, we better think again wisely what should we do with the amount in our saving... =)

Baca Kelanjutan “Waiting for 25th..” »»

Jumat, 20 November 2009

That's what friends are for

22 years of my life are a very grateful gift i got from Allah swt. I can feel what a called family and friendship. Fams is always around us from the day we saw the world till the day we close our eyes. And friends will colour our lifetime with experience...

"Every person is a new door to a different world." - from movie "Six Degrees of Seperation"

As we know sometimes friends come and go... Its not their decision to come or to leave us..its sim ply because the condition. As we grow, old friends left and choose their own way which could be different from ours. But for sure we will meet some new people that can bring us to a different and totally new kind of relationship. Yes,, each person create new story in our life..a new experience. Here are the people that i most love and hard to forget...

1. This is my college friend.. The brilliant, cretive, active, and humple person. They help me a lot in balancing life,,fun, academic, and religious... They are the people who inspired me to reach my dream. Thanks guys!!!!

tiwi, oliv, sita, yana , sari, patar, peter, (rio, bolo, riza, rachmat - not in this photo)

2. They are what so called forever friends. New friends come,,but they never left. We always have a thing that can unite us: Arisan..hehe. They are my junior high friends who prove that "In good times, in bad times I'll be on your side forever more, that's what friends are for" is really exist.

3c SLTP Sudirman member

3. Hey...this my peer group a.k.a geng,,my high school mate. They are the people who taught me how to enjoy my life. We used to laugh and have fun together, and even do the child's crime. With them my teen period was so colorful.

rina, wai, fanit, wulan, putri, lili, abu, tiwi, (lingga-not in this photo)

4.Each person mostly created uniquely and differently with each other. They are one example of the people that ever come in my life, laugh and cry together, but in the end we choose our own way to grow. But we used to have a common thing to learn at the first time we are united: "Leadership". And i balieve one day we will meet again as leader in our own business.

asrie, ninda,prasti, sammy,lila,tiwi, (jenny and lula-not in this photo)

5. Last but not least....my roller coaster/my on and off/far in sight but near in heart (hahaha...) mate. Sometimes our feeling is so strong but sometimes just so so. They are the most busy people i ever know, we could never met each other, its like 30 days in a month is not enough to pick the right day to meet. (fyi, while writing this blog, one of them called me...what a coincidence). Its makes us always miss each other like crazy...of course because we never met..haha..Always miss u dear!!

And "Every person is a new door to a different world." is really really right. Your life will be more colorful with many kind of friends. You will see something new by meeting new friends. You will learn pricely lesson by getting to know each friends...
So,,dont be mad and left your friends.. Because they might come and go but keep the feeling stay inside. =)
Baca Kelanjutan “That's what friends are for” »»

2009: Musim Kawin, Saat Kedewasaan

Hari Jumat, 20 November 2009.

Ini sudah kedua kalinya dalam minggu ini gw ktemu sama temen2 yang akan nikih within the next month and next two months. Yang pertama Sita, temen sma kuliah gw dan yang kedua Mba Kiki tetangga sekompleks gw.

Pas ketemu Sita di Pacific Place kelihatan banget betapa excitement pre-wed itu di mukanya yang berseri dan semangatnya dalam nyeritain tentang rencana pernikahannya. Mulai dari cerita tentang konsep foto pre-wed, rencana dmn mreka bakal tinggal ntar, rencana honeymoon, sampai rencana the nite after the wedding day...(ups..hehe g sejauh itu sih...).

Dan hari ini gw ktemu sm temen satu kompleks yang padahal jarak rumahnya paling cm 10 meter, 1 menit ngesot juga sudah sampe rumahnya tp udah hampir setahun lalu Rata Penuhgw trakhir ktemu sama dia. Dia juga akan segera menikah,,very soon...awal desember ini. And she looks happy as well. Dia juga bercerita tentang foto-foto pre-wed nya yang konsepnya agak2 unik (krn gw jrg liat pre-wed kaya gini). Ada satu foto di lokasi proyek gitu,,secara calon suaminya kan insinyur,,jd kayak foto serasa mandor2 proyek gitu,,ada lagi foto dimana Mba kiki itu jadi dokter gigi di klinik dan calon suaminya jadi pasiennya. Lucu banget!!! Terus dia juga nunjukkin foto-foto pre-wed temennya yg katanya ketagihan foto sampe berpuluh-puluh tema.

Itu baru cerita dari sisi foto pre-wed. Belum lagi cerita tentang rencana gimana nanti kehidupan mreka setelah nikah,,such as apakah mreka akan tetap bekerja setelah nikah, apa masih boleh jalan sm temen2nya, kapan mau rencana hamil, etece etece...

Itu baru secuplik cerita dari temen gw yang sedang berencana buat nikah. Ada lagi cerita yang lebih seru di kantor dari dua orang temen yang juga baru nikah beberapa bulan yang lalu. Winda dan Oik namanya. Oik lebih muda dari gw,,tapi dia sudah berkesempatan duluan buat ngerasain yang namanya nikah. Dengan adanya dua orang yg bener2 'sudah merasakan' pernikahan dan perkawinan,,obrolan jorok ala2 org2 kantoran jd terasa lebih hidup. Tapi yg diobrolin jg bukan sekedar hal semacam itu doang,,tp tentang bagaimana perubahan dalam hidup mereka setelah mereka memiliki tanggung jawab baru sebagai istri.

Dari cerita-cerita mereka dengan wajah yang sumringah itu,,gw mengambil kesimpulan bahwa mereka memang orang-orang yang sudah siap dan sudah yakin untuk menikah.
1). Tanggal sudah diputuskan,,dan ternyata mereka sudah mempersiapkan itu lebih dari setahun yang lalu. Yang artinya mereka nggak main-main, memang sudah ada rencana yang serius dari tahun lalu sampai akhirnya bener2 terealisasi di tanggal yang mereka rencanakan itu.
2). Sudah benar-benar memikirkan life after the day. Maksudnya mereka sudah tau dimana nanti bakalan tinggal, pembagian tugas sebagai suami istri, dll.

Hemmm dr kedua hal itu aja gw langsung berasa minder dan bertanya pada diri gw sendiri,, apa gw sudah siap buat mengikuti fase hidup yang sedang mereka alami ini. Am i already mature to feel that experience? Gw selalu merasa gw masih terlalu kecil buat cepet2 ngomongin nikah...man i'm still 22 kaliiii, adik gw masih 2 biji yang masih perlu disekolahin. Tabungan gw setelah hampir setahun bekerja kayaknya juga baru nyampe angka satu juta lebih dikit banget. Gw aja masih suka berasa males dan agak kurang nyaman saat temen2 ngomongin hal2 yang agak dewasa dan vulgar.
Tapi kemudian gw dihadapkan dengan kenyataan bahwa gw bekerja di sebuah bumn yang mengharuskan gw bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja di seluruh indonesia,,gw sudah punya hubungan yang serius dengan pacar 7 tahun gw,,gw anak pertama dan gw memang sudah seharusnya bertanggung jawab lebih besar atas diri gw dan kluarga gw,,gw udah bekerja dan memiliki kehidupan sosial yang makin beragam. Dan ini semua mengartikan bahwa memang sudah saatnya gw memikirkan masa depan gw... Masa kedewasaan gw.
Dewasa, Menikah... Adalah hal yang gw bayang2kan saat masih SD dulu...tp apakah sekarang gw sudah siap??

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